Why Bother?
The answer to this question can be found in three additional questions which virtually every human being asks at some time in their lives.
Why am I here? What ought I to do? What happens after I die? Why am I here? As far as we know human beings are the only animals which ask this question. Though we spend most of our time engaged in our usual pursuits of work, play and hunting at the local grocery store for something to eat, there are moments when we find ourselves seeking a deeper meaning for our lives. We want a purpose greater than breathing, eating and procreation. An exploration of Christian faith foundations can help us find some deeper meaning. What ought I to do? Every day each of us is faced with hundreds if not thousands of choices. Some of our choices are simple. Do I choose the red blouse or the green one; the tennis shoes or the sandals. Other choices are a bit more complex and important. Should I cheat just a little on this test so I can pass the course? I know there are problems with my home but should I tell the potential buyers? Exploring Christian faith foundations can help us find some clarity as we seek to do what is right. |
What happens after I die? in the 21st century many of us can go a lifetime without having to ask this question. We may be in our fifties or sixties before we have a close friend or loved-one die. Yet sooner or later most of us will face our own mortality. In that moment everything we had assumed about death and dying might not seem adequate. Exploring Christian faith foundations can offer some insights into this deep existential concern.
I want to acknowledge that other faith traditions offer answers to these same questions. Some of those answers align with those derived from Christian faith foundations, others do not. It is not my intent to try and "prove" that Christian answers are better than other answers. Instead I am offering this exploration so that those of you who are already following Jesus Christ can gain additional insight into your faith foundations; so that those of you who are considering becoming a Jesus' follower might learn a bit more about the foundations of the faith you are exploring; and so that those of you who are members of other faith traditions might learn more about those of us who try to follow Jesus of Nazareth. I hope the insights contained within this site can help you as you journey along the paths that open before you. |